Flipped Learning for Hands-On Healers
/You know the struggle so well. You’re psyched for a class and want to learn as much as you can to help your clients or patients. The instructor knows what they’re talking about and the technique is great. And yet…
It all happens too fast. The lectures, the labs, the task switching, the jumble and complexity and and and… and you can’t take it all in. You struggle to focus on the thing that got you so excited to be there in the first place.
A "flipped" classroom addresses this struggle. We feel it's the ideal format for learning hands-on skills like bodywork, acupuncture, and other hands-on skills..
Flipped learning is a methodology that helps teachers to prioritize active learning during class time by assigning students lecture materials and presentations to be viewed at home or outside of class.
This approach maximizes our limited time together in-person where we can learn and practice the skills and address issues or questions as they arise in real-time.
No more switching gears from lecture to treatment which is exhausting for both body and brain. Flipped learning for hands-on healing just makes good sense.
The hidden costs of context switching
We've all experienced the mental fatigue, disorientation, or downright overwhelm that comes from task or context switching. Multitasking simply isn't a sustainable way to work—or learn—and is a prime contributor to burnout.
Ever toggle between dozens of tabs in your web browser while hopping in and out of Zoom meetings AND juggling multiple conversations in a half dozen different platforms, then giving treatments in between each of these tasks? (My brain is tired just from thinking about working that way!) It’s unsustainable!
In the same way that multitasking at work is unproductive and leads to dress and overwhelm, context switching in learning environments impairs the student’s ability to absorb and integrate the information.
Our flipped learning courses for hands-on healing take the didactic content out of the in-person time so you can just focus on the hands-on skill building. You get short, topical lectures and reading content related to the skills before class, rather than task-switch mid-class when your attention is best focused on the hands-on learning.
Experience the difference at MMI
You can experience the flipped course difference in our Craniosacral Therapy and Integrated Visceral Techniques curricula. We’ve spent several years refining our various curricula and developing this flipped course approach.