Patients are increasingly demanding more from you as a provider while presenting with more complexity related to the stressors of our current cultural climate. All of this is exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Our work is more important than ever and craniosacral therapy is a technique that meets the needs of our people now and in the future.
Craniosacral is a technique that allows you to work with these issues meaningfully and help facilitate symptom change. Our training empowers you to meet that complexity and offers you a skillset to address those needs.
Building real clinical skills takes time. We provide a structured and supported learning environment: the same thing you want to offer your patients.
Craniosacral Therapy Foundations I Training
Fall Training Course begins October 3, 2025!
Craniosacral Therapy Foundations Series gives participants a comprehensive skill set to perform craniosacral therapy in a wide variety of clinical settings. Our unique craniosacral approach integrates important myofascial techniques for areas of the body that have a specific and significant impact on the craniosacral system.
Participants are invited into the rich and often beguiling world of the craniosacral system in a way that is fun and approachable while also deeply meaningful. The principles underlying craniosacral therapy are introduced along with an appreciation for the “terrain” of the system. This establishes a foundation for you to embody the principles and develop a process with the work and thus not be reliant upon protocols when you are working with your people.
You will receive individualized instruction and support finding your own touch signature and palpating the craniosacral rhythm from this place; your “touch home base.”
Craniosacral Therapy Foundations I Training is two 3-day workshops.

Fall 2025
Two 3-day workshops + access to the online classroom lectures and materials 30 days before the training series begins and 90 days after it ends
Module I: October 3-5, 2025
Module II: November 14-16, 2025
CLASS TIMES: Friday 10am-4:30pm, Saturday 9:30am-4:30pm, Sunday 9:30am-3:30pm
The course includes access to the content in the online classroom up to 1 month before the course begins and 3 months after it ends so you can get a head start and then continue to review and integrate the work into your practice.
Craniosacral Therapy Advanced Integration Training
Spring Training Course begins May 17, 2025
The Advanced Integration training series is built on the notion learning is cyclical, not linear – and hands-on skills development is a process, not an event. Many bodywork trainings pile techniques on each other to convey the false impression that more equals better. Our clinical experience is different; we have learned that going deep into the heart of a technique increases skills exponentially.
In this series, some important new techniques are introduced while we support you in learning how to be an apprentice to the work so each time you treat, you are learning and cultivating your skillset.
Highlights of the new techniques are intraoral work, releases for the facial bones (increasingly important in our infectious disease reality) and combined releases, which are essential to Michael’s clinical approach and a unique opportunity for participants.
Craniosacral Therapy Advanced Integration Training is two 2-day workshops.

Spring 2025
Two 2-day workshops + access to the online classroom lectures and materials 30 days before the training series begins and 90 days after it ends.
Module I-II: May 17-18, 2025
Module II-III: June 14-15, 2025
CLASS TIMES: Saturday 9:30am-4:30pm, Sunday 9:30am-3:30pm
The course includes access to the content in the online classroom up to 1 month before the course begins and 3 months after it ends so you can get a head start and then continue to review and integrate the work into your practice.
Craniosacral Therapy Certification
Students who complete the Craniosacral Therapy Foundations Training series and the Advanced Integration training series are eligible to complete the Moving Mountain Institute CST certification option. This certification entitles you to say you have been certified by MMI as having extensive training and studies in Craniosacral Therapy. Students have 12 months from the time of registration to complete the certification track.
Benefits of Certification
Becoming certified emphasizes to your clients or patients your extensive training and your commitment to your studies. Increasingly, we see folks claiming that they practice CST when their only exposure was a short unit in massage school. Certification highlights your commitment to the work.

12 months to complete in-depth review of material, skills assessment, case studies, practice logs, and final practical exam
PRICE: $1,250
Register anytime after completing CST Foundations I and Advanced Integration.
Continuing Education Credit
There are up to 17 in-person class hours per each individual weekend available for CE credit. Each course module is eligible for corresponding CE hours through the Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine (OBNM), the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) and the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB). Please see individual course listings for exact CE hours.
Participants will receive certificates of completion for each in-person module attended.
You and your clients and patients are at the center of our course design!
What People Are Saying
MMI certificate trainings are intended for licensed professionals or students currently on a licensing path in a healthcare field (LAc, LMT, ND, etc.). Upon successful completion of MMI CST series, students will receive a certificate of completion from the school, e.g. Certified by Moving Mountain Institute in Craniosacral Therapy. MMI program certification doesn't supersede state professional licensing requirements for the practice of touch. It is the responsibility of each participant to ensure the use of these techniques are done within the scope of practice within their profession.