Integrated Visceral Techniques

Happy spring (double woot!) everybody!

I'm super excited to be presenting my take on visceral work coming up this Saturday, March 24th. I've received a few emails in the past asking about the class. So, here's a little description that's more informative than what's on the website.

I studied Visceral Manipulation and some adjunctive techniques intensively for about 4 years, starting in 2010 with the Barral Institute. I have made the work an integral part of my practice and over time, I realized that I have developed an approach that is quite different from how I was taught.


I was a taught a form of the work that is incredibly technical and as I've practiced, I have found that the degree of specificity possibly makes things more complex then they need to be.

Once I stepped back and asked myself what I was really doing, I realized that I was approaching the realm of the viscera with some good understanding of who was there, i.e. which organ, and a little bit about the fascial world the organ lives within and lastly, who its neighbors are. And then, applying a form of myofascial work that takes all of that into account.

In addition to getting good results with this this form of visceral manipulation, I have recently been validated in this approach by the work of some Belgian osteopaths who have done extensive research and came to the same basic conclusion! Here's a link to their book.

So, what we are going to do in class is this:

  • Have some fun mapping out the basic realm of the viscera from the perspective I discussed above
  • Identify the abdominal sphincters and go through an approach to treat them. This is a technique I do on most patients as it is an amazing way both treat the digestion and/or balance the nervous system.
  • A gentle technique to assess and balance the liver and stomach.
  • Some specific work for both the liver and stomach.
  • Through it all will be integration with Chinese medicine--overlaying meridians and points on our map of the abdominal work

I have developed the series to essentially follow the digestive track from upper to lower.

Cross-section of the upper abdomen in watercolor; @LyonRoadArt

Cross-section of the upper abdomen in watercolor; @LyonRoadArt

We will offer Visceral II on May 12th, 2018 in which we will learn more specific releases for the gall bladder (which I think is essential to treat for any small intestine related dysfunction, i.e. SIBO), spleen and duodenum.  We are experimenting with a one day format to see if it works better for our students. Feedback always welcome!

Class will be Saturday March 24th, from 9:30am to 5:30pm at Kwan Yin East. If you want to join us (there are only a few spots left), click here.

Hope to see you soon!